• Opening Times: Mon - Fri 8.30 - 17.30
(+94)76 464 3619
(+94)11 2024413
[email protected]
Morris Rajapaksha Mawatha, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka


  • On Grid Solar

    What is On Grid Solar? On-grid solar power system connects directly to the utility grid.
  • Off Grid Solar

    What is Off Grid Solar? An off-grid solar system is designed to generate excess electricity during the day, which is transferred to the battery systems for storage. The excess power is the backup power that comes into good use during sudden power outages.
  • Hybrid Solar

    What is Hybrid Solar? A hybrid solar system is tied with battery storage and an inverter that can transmit direct current (DC) power to and from your batteries, and channel alternating current (AC) power between the grid and your business as required.